dCS proposera ce Lundi 29/10 à partir de 09h00 GMT une mise à jour pour ses systèmes connectés (Bartok, Vivaldi, Rossini et Network Bridge). Il s’agira de la version 398 du Network Firmware.
Les informations de mises à jour ci-dessous :
These notes apply to the following software versions:
Network Firmware:
Vivaldi App:
Rossini App:
Network Bridge App:
Please note that there are no updates to the apps with this network firmware release.
1 New Features and Enhancements
• Added initial support for Bartók DAC and Bartók Headphone DAC
• Added support for Rossini SACD Transport control (feature will be activated with pending
release of Rossini FPGA firmware)
• Added support for future enhancements to Rossini DAC and Player
• Updated Roon Ready software to version 1.1.31
• Updated Roon so dCS devices properly advertise MQA support (Usage notes 4.1).
• Roon signal path now shows the MQA processing taking place within the dCS device (Usage
notes 4.1)
• Vivaldi Upsampler now shows in Roon as ‘dCS Vivaldi System’ when paired with a Vivaldi
398 1.4.9 1.4.8 1.4.8
DAC (Usage notes 4.1)
• Updated MQA decoder library
• Updated Spotify Connect library
• Added a factory reset option to enable reset of the network card (usage notes 4.2)
• Added the ability to override DNS servers while using DHCP (usage notes 4.3)
2 Bug Fixes
• Fixed track metadata error on front panel display for Roon
• Corrected several issues which would lead to playback failure in Roon when transitioning
between formats and sample rates (PCM/DSD/MQA)
• MQA streams from Roon where the Roon core is acting as the MQA decoder are now
recognized correctly. Full fix pending FPGA update for Rossini and Vivaldi One (see known
issues below).
• Improved playback synchronization when dCS devices are grouped with other Roon
• Improved source selection logic between Roon and other streaming sources
• Corrected error where devices would advertise 32 bit support in Roon
• Corrected error where Roon playback start would fail due to device timeout
• Corrected error where Roon pipeline would not be set to the ‘Stopped’ state when stream
• Improved error handling related to the Roon module crashing
• Fixed incorrect device name being sent to DHCP server
• Various patches, minor fixes, and housekeeping
3 Known Issues
• dCS app does not remember position in long lists when browsing back to list
• dCS app does not always reconnect to device automatically on resume
• MQA content does not playback gaplessly via UPnP or native Tidal
• Some flac files played back via UPnP or local USB experience a delayed start
• Some MQA files (especially MQA CD rips) are not recognized as MQA when played via UPnP
or locally-attached USB storage
• Various Airplay issues: Distortion on some tracks, erratic behavior with YouTube, etc
• (Rossini) A momentary audio dropout is experienced at the start of some MQA tracks. This
will be corrected in an upcoming FPGA update.
• (Vivaldi Upsampler) When the Vivaldi DAC and Upsampler are paired without a Vivaldi
Master Clock (i.e. using Vivaldi’s Universal Master Mode) and Roon is used for playback then a resync delay must be set in Roon in order to avoid track start cutoff and playback stability issues. The recommended base setting is 6000ms and this can be adjusted up or down depending on user’s preference.
Lien vers le document officiel.