Minimserver : mise à jour MinimServer 0.8 update 125 & 126 (MinimServer 0.8.5)

Mises à jour 125 et 126 respectivement les 12 et 23 Octobre 2018. 

Notes de mises à jour 0.8 update 125

This is a feature update for MinimServer 0.8.5. It was released on 12th October 2018.
New features
Added support for ratings in MP3 files. MinimServer now reads ID3v2 POP and POPM frames and maps them to RATING tags. For more information, see the Tag mappings section of the User guide.
Added support for specifying any sequence of characters as a prefix in the ignore option of the tagOptions property. For more information, see the Tag options section of the User guide.
Compatibility notes
The default location for files specified in the tagUpdatewriteAllTags and writeTagChanges properties is now the same as the log file default location. For more information, see the Tag update and All tags summary sections of the User guide.
The list of tracks returned by a UPnP search query is now sorted alphabetically by default. This sort order can be customized by setting the items.sortTags option of the tagOptions property. For more information about items.sortTags, see the Tag options section of the User guide.
Other changes
Fix problem with missing folder.jpg artwork for files not tagged as part of an album 
If an MP3 file contains multiple ID3v2 tags, read the first tag only

Notes de mises à jour 0.8 update 126

This is a feature update for MinimServer 0.8.5. It was released on 23rd October 2018.
New features
The tag update feature now supports multiple match values (‘@‘ lines) when applying tag changes. For more information, see the Tag update and Tag update file sections of the User guide.
Other changes
Fix NullPointerException when ignore option in tagOptions property has incorrect syntax 
Ignore trailing blanks when matching tag updates with tag values

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