Korg continue, à rythme régulier, à mettre à jour son application de lecture de fichiers audio sous iOS : iAudiogate. Malgré son prix élevé (15€) cette application est pour moi une des meilleures notamment car elle permet de lire du DSD sur son iPhone ainsi que les fichiers HD en PCM et est compatible avec des DACs portable tel que l’OPPO HA-2. Cette compatibilité apporte un plus notamment lors de l’écoute de fichiers DSD. On peut également noter la présence d’un equalizer.
L’un des points noir était vraiment la gestion des playlists. Avec cette mise à jour de début août, ce point noir semble être levé. Je n’ai pas encore pu tester mais ca ne devrait pas tarder.
Voici la liste des mises à jours :
iAudioGate for iPhone Version 3.5.0
– Added: creating playlists. You can create playlists in the Playlists tab of the Hi-Res library.
– Added: display lyrics. The lyrics icon is displayed on the playback screen when the song has lyrics metadata.
– Improved: SNS posting function extended. now supports SNS post function not only for Facebook, Twitter, but also for various applications that support iOS share function.
– Added: switching the type of artwork in the player view from the settings. You can select whether “Round Window” or “Display the whole”. (Switching the type of artwork by tap of artwork on player view has been removed.)
– Improved: swipe gesture in player view. Now supports Return To The Song List when you swipe player view.
– Improved: accelerate search operation.
– Improved: scrolling the song list is now faster
– Improved: reduced startup time
– Fixed: displaying the player view after selecting a song is now faster
– Other minor bug fixes and improvementsHow to create a playlist
Open the Playlists tab of the Hi-Res library, and tap [Create New Playlist] and enter playlist name to create.How to add songs to a playlist
Swipe the song list to the left and open the menu. Select [Add to a Playlist] in the menu and then select a playlist or create a new playlist.Supported file formats for displaying lyrics
– AIFF, MP3 (entered lyrics by iTunes or contains the USLT/ULT tag in ID3 format)
– ALAC, AAC (entered lyrics by iTunes)
– DSF, DSDIFF (contains the USLT/ULT tag in ID3 format)
*Synchronous lyrics is unsupported.