Dear all, please find in the following link a tutorial to support the installation of Diretta Alsa Drivers under Ubuntu 20.04 (Should work under FEDORA). Let’s start
1/ install Ubuntu Server 20.04
2/ connect to Ubuntu with the user credentials you created during the Ubuntu installation
3/ Install and use WinSCP under Windows (or CyberDuck for MAC) to connect to Ubuntu (user credentials) and upload the Diretta ALSA drivers to /home/user directory
4/ update packages
# sudo apt update
# sudo apt dist-upgrade
5/ install std package to unzip the drivers
# sudo apt install zstd
6/ unzip the drivers to the /opt folder (latest drivers : to be checked on diretta website – here 0_104_8)
# sudo tar --use-compress-program=unzstd -xvf DirettaALSAdriver_0_104_8.tar.zst -C /opt/
7/ define the kernel use
# uname -r
8/ move to the right folder
# cd /opt/DirettaALSAdriver/driver
9/ compile the drivers into the kernel. Identify the kernel path (normally in /usr/src/…)
# sudo make KERNELDIR=/usr/src...
update /usr/src...with the right path
10/ insert the module in the kernel# sudo modprobe snd_pcm
# sudo insmod ./alsa_bridge.ko
11/ check the alsabridge is well implemented# sudo lsmod | grep alsa_bridge
12/ move the right folder, make files executable and copy the parameters filechmod +x syncAlsa_x64
chmod +x
mv /opt/DirettaALSAdriver/setting.inf /etc/Diretta-profile.inf
13/ update the diretta_bridge_host.service as per below# sudo nano opt/DirettaALSAdriver/diretta_bridge_host.service
14/ Update the diretta_bridge_driver.service as per below# sudo nano /opt/DirettaALSAdriver/diretta_bridge_driver.service
15/ update the as per below# sudo nano /opt/DirettaALSAdriver/
16/ move to the right directory and execute cd/opt/DirettaALSAdriver/
# sudo ./
17/ if everything went right, the alsa drivers should be visible inside your application (MPD, Roon, etc…). You can check if your target is well connected in USB with # aplay -l
18/ Normally no need to change anything on the network. From my side i just ensured the interfaces are just in DHCP with the following files in /etc/systemd/network
Installation systemd-serviced instead of Network Manager
# sudo apt install network-manager
# sudo systemctl disable NetworkManager
# sudo systemctl stop NetworkManager
# sudo systemctl start systemd-networkd
# sudo apt remove NetworkManager file in /etc/systemd/network (my Diretta connection)
# RouteMetric=2